Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ujogo Poker

I have been playing in the 10:00pm (Eastern Standard Time) tournament on Ujogo. Ujogo is a free poker site that plays it's bills by placing advertising below and to the right of the poker interface. There is usually between 50 and 70 players in the tournament. As you can see I happened to win 2 nights in a row March 26Th & 27Th 2008. I did make the final table on March 29Th but ended up coming in 6Th.

I enjoy playing in this tournament on Ujogo and feel that the prizes they offer are excellent for a free poker site especially since number of people they get in their tournaments is relatively low. I just hope the site doesn't get too popular and I have to fight through a field of hundreds to win. I probably shouldn't even be posting about it but what the heck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well well well......