Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I Would Have Got Booed

I played in an 18 person $1 + .20 Sit & Go on Pokerstars last night. I ended up coming in 5th just out of the money with the top 4 positions getting paid.

I am really upset with myself for playing such a Tight/Weak/Passive game. I came into the final table as one of the short stacks and was just sitting back and waiting for a hand. We had a couple aggressive players at the table who where pushing all their chips in on every other hand. I knew if I played a hand there would be a good chance that I would have to go all the way with it. I also thought that these maniacs would knock each other out and I could cruise into the money. Boy was I wrong they just kept exchanging chips back and forth. I let them push me off As 10s which was the best hand I had in a while and I could have played it for about 30 percent of my chips and of course an A and a 10 come out on the flop. I also had my big blind raised and stolen time and again without fighting back. I was a real punching bag and I just sat there and took the abuse waiting for a monster hand that never came. I ended up basically being blinded out.

I haven’t played this weak in a long time maybe it was a case of playing for money with such a tiny bankroll ($8.00) and feeling I had to cash. I was defiantly playing “not to lose” as opposed to playing to win. It’s like in baseball where the batter will get called out on strikes without taking a swing. If there was a crowd watching me and could see my hole cards I would have got booed. One more thing “I Really Sucked”!

Note to Self: Don’t play this way again.

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