Thursday, March 13, 2008

OOOHHH WWWEEE look at them Aces

I came in 5th out of 79 this week in the live tournament I play on every Tuesday night. I learned my lesson from the night before and played a tight aggressive game as opposed to the tight weak game which played online the night before at Pokerstars.

This a free tournament held weekly in the function hall of a local restaurant. You can’t play poker “legally” for money in Massachusetts, so the prizes are $100 American Express Gift Card for 1stwhile 2nd and 3rd get $50 / $30 gift certificates to the restaurant. I usually think of this tournament as a giant freeroll. There is no assigned seating, so I usually sit with the same group of guys who are all solid players and who won’t suck out on you with a foolish call but will certainly make a move if the moment seems right.

I decided to find another table this week because the guys at my table know my style and I know theirs. I was on the hunt for a soft table when I came upon a guy sitting at a table with a Miami Dolphins hat and jacket which is a very rare site in New England. People where calling him Miami’s last fan which I thought was pretty funny. This guy played every hand dealt to him and usually raised when someone told him it was his turn to bet. He was quite comical and really was enjoying himself. He would look at his cards hold them 2 inches from his glasses while leaning back in his chair and he did this after the flop and every street. When I took a seat I made sure this guy was on my right so I could take advantage of him. He would also show his cards after every hand (whether he had to or not) and laugh loudly if he won with while holding nothing. One time 2 Aces flopped and he yelled out ooohhh wwweeee look at them Aces!! I ended up doubling through him (he lasted about 40 minuets).

I then went on a rush that carried me to the final table. I ended up pretty card dead at the final table I got it all in with the chip leader with A K and he also turned over A K. We ended up chopping the pot. I got 27 points for 5th place which should easily give me enough points to make the quarter finals as I am sitting in 16th overall out of 138.

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