Monday, March 10, 2008

My Snowmen Got Melted

I was extremely card dead this Tuesday night not having won a hand in the first hour of the tournament. Early on I hit bottom pair with 2 jacks on the board and made a semi-bluff when I got re-raised I threw my hand away. I ended up wining a couple hands after the break to hulk up to $200 chips (you start with 100 chips and blinds of $1-$2 which go up every 20 minuets). They had just moved a girl to our table with a big chip stack and she had played all three hands she was at the table for so far and was on a rush having won the 3 hands she played (usually coming from behind to win).

I was in the big blind for $40 which leaves me with $160 behind. Everyone folds around to the button who is short stacked and goes all in for $65 the girl from above in the small blind also calls. I look down at a pair of eights (or a pair of snowman as Mike Sexton would say). I call the $25 thinking if I hit trips or a favorable flop then I will push, but if there are over cards on the board I will proceed with caution. The flop comes 2-7-4 rainbow, so I push all in for my remaining $135. Lucky girl sitting with about $700 thinks for about 2 seconds and calls. When we turn the cards over the button has A-8 the girl in the small blind has A-9. On the turn comes a 9 and out the door I go. Excluding runner runner for a straight she only had 5 outs (two A’s & three 9’s) and I was an 8 to 1 favorite to win the hand after the flop. Oh well maybe next week.

Reflecting back on the hand I think I made the right play. I always try to make my all in move on a made hand. I put the big blind on a hand such as A-K that is why I waited to push. I don’t like the feeling of busting out of a tournament chasing. I like going out with a made hand and with the odds in my favor.

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